It takes a great photographer to capture the essence of a model and have it translate on paper. It also takes a stunning model to allow that photographer to create a story and translate his or her message to the photo. Stu Dugan is one of those models that with just a look, or a glance, can say so much. Just stare into Stu's eyes and you'll see what I mean. Stu has incredible features, that make his work absolutely stunning, as per the title of this post :p Some of my favorite photographers have worked with Stu including the always super talented Simon Le. Stu also has a killer body, toned and muscle in all the right places of course. Over the course of his career he has pulled off many different looks, which is quite incredible. From the soulful captivating boy with the gleaming eyes, to the rugged all-American jock with the rippling chiseled body like the boy next door, Stu seems to have captured them beautifully. Enjoy this large sexy and beautifully erotic collection of Stu's work!
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